Haiku designs

Let me show you what I’ve got.

Haiku Designs Video Promotions

Video ads & Digital MArketing

Above is a video editing project for Haiku Designs that showcases their Zen Modern Furniture pieces in an attempt to grow their presence on social media and to drive more traffic to the website. Below is another video editing project more recently completed that shows off their amazing Japanese Platform Beds as well. A subtle but cleaner technique was used during the editing of this video.

Haiku Designs Weekly Newsletter

Email Marketing & E-commerce Remarketing

Below is an example of the weekly newsletter campaigns that showcase Haiku Designs ideology or products to also help with customer conversions and remarketing campaigns.

Shop Haiku >>  Bedroom  | Dining Room | Living Room | Organic Bedding  | Eco Friendly  | Floor Coverings

Haiku Designs Furniture - Spark joy in your home with these Furniture Designs

Best selling author Marie Kondo, whose book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has a phrase she uses in relation to Simplifying and Organizing your living space. She asks the question - does it Spark Joy inside of you?

Here at Haiku Designs we specialize in Furniture that Sparks Joy and helps you to create a space of Harmony, Beauty and Balance wherever it is placed.

Commit yourself to tidying up

Haiku Designs is committed to simplifying the home to reveal the hidden natural beauty of a clean environment. Take advantage of our Platform Storage Bed Collections to help tidy up your home.

The Dillon Platform Storage Bed & Collection
Cove Beach Platform Storage Bed

Imagine your ideal lifestyle

As part of our Zen Modern Lifestyle, Haiku Designs believes in good stewardship of the Earth and supports a strong commitment to protecting the environment; both yours and the planet's.

We feature several lines of Eco-Friendly furniture made from DSC certified wood, and Bamboo Dining and Bedroom Furniture manufactured from completely renewable and sustainably produced bamboo hardwood.

Tentai Bamboo Platform Bed
Amu Bamboo Dining Furniture

Ask yourself if it Sparks Joy in your life

Haiku Designs is pleased to offer a full selection of products for your Meditation and Mindfulness practice. We feel that a good internal practice can be supported by the quality, feel, balance and state of one's external surroundings.

The Bodhi Meditation Chair
Zafu Meditation Pillows

We are passionate about helping our customers create a fresh style of living based on the ideas of Beauty, Balance, Wellness, and of being in Harmony with the environment. Many of these basic motifs are ideas found in Japanese Furniture and Asian cultural themes.

We take these ideas and expand them in finding, creating, and sourcing a unique selection of Modern Furniture, Natural Mattresses, Organic Bedding, and Wellness Items all chosen with the idea of helping people create a place of simplicity, harmony, and health in their home or office.

We hope to support a way of living that in the words of best-selling Japanese Author Marie Kondo, Sparks Joy in your life and that encourages a greater sense of ease and relaxation.



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